Title: The Kindness behind the Brew: Supporting a Community Effort, One Beer at a Time
Craft beer enthusiasts in Pennsylvania now have the opportunity to not only indulge in a delicious brew but also support a worthy cause. Gisele Fetterman, known for her community efforts through the Free Store 15104 in Braddock, Allegheny County, took to X (formerly Twitter) to announce a collaboration with Brew Gentlemen, a neighboring brewery. With a shared vision, they have launched a unique beer, the Free Store Brew, with a portion of its proceeds dedicated to serving those in need.
Supporting the Free Store’s Mission:
Fetterman expressed her excitement for the partnership, emphasizing that this initiative would significantly contribute to continuing the Free Store’s mission of providing essential goods, like food and clothing, to the less fortunate. She shared her gratitude for the close collaboration between Brew Gentlemen’s team and Free Store volunteers in designing and creating the beer from scratch.
A Brew for Kindness:
Describing the beer as “that will make you kinder,” Fetterman’s intention was to deliver more than just a refreshing beverage. She aimed to instill a sense of empathy and goodwill into each sip, aligning perfectly with the ethos of the Free Store. By creating a brew that fosters kindness, Fetterman and Brew Gentlemen hope to inspire consumers to embrace compassion and make a positive impact in their community.
The Free Store’s Roots:
The Free Store was established by Fetterman in 2012, nestled in the heart of Braddock. This location holds significant meaning for Fetterman, as her husband, U.S. Sen. John Fetterman, served as the town’s mayor for an impressive 13 years before becoming lieutenant governor. The Free Store, a symbol of hope and support, has been able to thrive and leave a lasting impact on Braddock and its surrounding areas.
The Free Store Brew:
Brew Gentlemen has incorporated wild berry and blood orange flavors into the Free Store Brew, creating a unique and delicious taste. This limited-edition beer represents more than just a refreshing beverage; it symbolizes an opportunity to come together and support a community-driven cause. The collaboration between Brew Gentlemen and the Free Store showcases the power of partnerships in making a difference.
Availability and Support:
The Free Store Brew can be purchased directly from the brewery, via the Brew Gentlemen website, or through local distributors in western Pennsylvania. A four-pack of 12 oz. cans is priced at $13.97, with additional shipping costs and taxes. By supporting the Free Store Brew, individuals are not only indulging in a delightful beer but also contributing to the meaningful work carried out by the Free Store.
Beer enthusiasts in Pennsylvania now have the chance to support a charitable cause with every sip. The collaboration between Gisele Fetterman’s Free Store and Brew Gentlemen has birthed the Free Store Brew, a beer aimed to inspire kindness and solidarity. By purchasing this unique brew, individuals can directly contribute to the Free Store’s mission of providing essential goods and support to those in need. This partnership exemplifies the power of joining forces to bring about positive change in a community. So let’s raise a glass and make a difference, one beer at a time.
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