Title: Brewing Hope: Vermont’s Craft Beer Industry Comes Together in the Face of Disaster
In the aftermath of the devastating flash and river flooding that struck Vermont in July, the state’s breweries have united in a unique and meaningful way. With the aim of providing relief funds for those affected by the catastrophe, fifteen breweries from Vermont, New Hampshire, Connecticut, and Virginia have joined forces to brew a special beer called Vermont Strong. By donating a portion of their sales, these breweries are not only serving up exceptional craft beer but also lending a helping hand to their local communities.
The Devastating Impact:
The floods of July 2023 wreaked havoc across Vermont, causing extensive damage to over 4,000 homes, nearly 1,000 businesses, and essential infrastructure. The destruction rivaled the infamous Tropical Storm Irene in 2011 and the historic Nov. 3-4 floods of 1927. Torrential rains left many Vermont residents without clean drinking water or habitable shelter, while farms, bridges, roads, and other vital structures suffered significant losses. The consequences of this catastrophe will require months of recovery efforts.
Craft Beer Brews Hope:
Lawson’s Finest Liquids and Foam Brewers, two prominent breweries in the region, have taken the lead in brewing and distributing Vermont Strong beer. Lawson’s Finest Liquids, known for its flagship IPA Sip of Sunshine, has pledged to donate 100% of the proceeds from Vermont Strong sales to the Vermont Community Foundation. By purchasing a pint of this 6.1% pale ale, beer enthusiasts can contribute directly to the ongoing relief efforts in their state. Foam Brewers, on the other hand, is offering a 4.8% pale ale version of Vermont Strong.
The Power of Collaboration:
The idea for Vermont Strong beer originated from discussions among breweries in the region on how they could collectively support the flood-stricken state. Recognizing the urgent need for funds and essential resources, these community-minded breweries came together to create a collaborative brewing project. The 15 participating breweries have the option to replicate Lawson’s Finest Liquids’ Vermont Strong recipe or create their own unique variation. Additionally, they are extending an invitation to other breweries, both within and outside of Vermont, to join this charitable initiative.
A Community Responds:
The Vermont Community Foundation has been at the forefront of providing flood-relief grants to affected towns. Since the floods, they have distributed over $4.4 million in funding to more than 60 communities. This financial support has helped various organizations provide crucial shelter, food, and other essential supplies to those whose lives were upended by the disaster.
As the craft beer industry rallies together once again to raise funds in response to a disaster, Vermont’s breweries demonstrate the true spirit of community and collaboration. By brewing Vermont Strong beer and donating a portion of their sales, these breweries are not only supporting the immediate recovery efforts but also contributing to the medium- and long-term funding needs for affected homes and businesses. In times of crisis, the power of unity and compassion can make a significant difference in rebuilding and strengthening a community. So, let’s raise a pint and toast to the resilience of Vermont and the generosity of its craft beer industry. Together, we can make a lasting impact.
Title: “Vermont’s Collective Strength: A Tale of Resilience and Community Support”
In times of crisis, unity and collective action become the bedrock of a community. Vermont, despite being one of the country’s smallest states, has always exemplified this spirit of resilience and compassion. When disaster struck and the people of Vermont found themselves facing numerous challenges, they rose to the occasion, demonstrating the power of purpose-led companies and the unwavering support of its citizens. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the incredible initiatives undertaken by Vermonters to rebuild and make a positive impact on their communities.
The Water Crisis:
During the time when accounts were being closed and the need for clean water was dire, a group of individuals in Vermont recognized the urgency and took action. In a display of resourcefulness, they gathered empty water bottles and filled their truck with fresh water. Containers of all sizes were filled for free distribution, with a particular focus on the severely affected cities of Barre, Montpelier, and others that were under lengthy boil orders. Remarkably, these volunteers managed to deliver an astounding 500 to 700 gallons of water every single day for over a week. This act of kindness and generosity highlights the dedication of Vermont’s residents.
Unity in Adversity:
As the crisis unfolded, Vermont’s community came together in a multitude of ways. In Montpelier, volunteers selflessly donated their time and energy to help residents remove dirt from flooded basements, providing much-needed relief to those affected. Additionally, efforts were made to support local food shelves by delivering food to ensure no one went hungry during these trying times. Farmers also received assistance, as volunteers removed rotten crops from the fields, helping them get back on their feet.
Financial Support:
Understanding the financial strain that local business owners and farmers were facing, Vermonters rallied behind them. GoFundMe platforms became a way for individuals to contribute their support, donating funds to assist those in need. The impact of these collective efforts cannot be understated, as the generosity and solidarity of the people of Vermont helped create a lifeline for these businesses and farmers.
Vermont Strong and the Way Forward:
While the immediate crisis may have passed, the journey towards rebuilding is far from over. Initiatives like “Vermont Strong” continue to act as a driving force, channelling momentum, and raising much-needed funds to aid in the long-term recovery and revitalization of the affected areas. However, Vermonters understand that addressing the impact of climate change is equally crucial, and they passionately call for sustainable business practices to be implemented. Recognizing that the future of their state depends on the preservation of their environment, they strive to push for change.
Vermont’s response to adversity exemplifies the beauty of humanity’s resilience and community support. In the face of disaster, the people of Vermont showed unwavering dedication to helping one another, proving that a small state can be mighty in its actions. By coming together and lending a helping hand, they sparked a ripple effect of positive change in their communities. As they continue to rebuild and advocate for sustainable practices, their spirit will undoubtedly serve as an inspiration not just within the state but also around the world.
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