Title: Play Hard: Playboy Spirits Ventures into Ready-to-Drink Cocktail Market
It has been over three years since Playboy last published a magazine, but the iconic brand is back in the spotlight with a new line of ready-to-drink vodka seltzers. This venture by Playboy Spirits, a joint partnership between Spirits Investment Partners (SIP) and PLBY Group, aims to captivate the younger consumer market. With four delicious flavors and eye-catching packaging featuring Andy Warhol’s bunny art created for Playboy in 1985, these vodka seltzers are set to make waves in the increasingly competitive canned cocktail industry.
Breaking the Mold:
Playboy Spirits already boasts a range of high-end liquor offerings like tequila, whiskey, and cognac under the Rare Hare brand. While these products command high prices of up to $999 per bottle, the new vodka seltzers target a broader audience in the crowded market of canned cocktails. Playboy Spirits is confident that the brand’s equity, coupled with unique packaging and exquisite flavors, will set them apart from their competitors. According to SIP CEO Marc Bushala, most competitors lack the product quality and packaging aesthetics that Play Hard brings to the table.
The Playboy Evolution:
Since its last magazine publication, Playboy has reinvented itself as a licensing platform, a creator platform akin to OnlyFans, and a lifestyle brand that stands for individuality, self-expression, and playfulness. The brand’s slogan has shifted from “entertainment for men” to “pleasure for all,” reflecting the changing times and societal mindsets. Playboy Spirits aims to tap into this brand image, providing consumers in their 20s and 30s with a unique drinking experience that aligns with their values and desire for self-expression.
Expansion and Artistic Collaborations:
The new Play Hard vodka seltzers will initially be available in Miami and Orlando, with plans to expand into seven or eight additional markets in 2024. Moreover, Playboy Spirits has intentions to introduce the brand in Asia and is also exploring collaborations with renowned artists such as Keith Haring and Peter Max, who will lend their iconic art to accompany future varieties of ready-to-drink cocktails.
Authentic Engagement and Marketing:
To connect with consumers, Play Hard will leverage curated content across various digital and social platforms, ensuring the brand resonates with its target audience. Additionally, the company plans to engage consumers through strategic partnerships, including a unique sports platform that promises to be both playful and entertaining. Festivals, concerts, and other events will be arenas for Playboy Spirits to bring the brand experience to life.
With Playboy Spirits’ latest line of vodka seltzers, Play Hard, the iconic Playboy brand proves its ability to evolve and remain relevant in today’s market. Boasting exceptional product quality and distinctive packaging, Play Hard aims to leave a lasting impression on the crowded ready-to-drink cocktail market. Playboy Spirits’ strategic expansion plans and collaborations with renowned artists indicate an exciting future for the brand. Get ready for a thrilling experience when you crack open a can of Play Hard vodka seltzer. Cheers to the epitome of self-expression, individuality, and playfulness!
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