Title: An Alleged Poisoning Plot Foiled at Military Aviation Academy Celebrations in Armavir
Recently, an alarming incident unfolded at a top military aviation academy in Armavir, as reported by a pro-Russian Telegram channel called Fighterbomber. The channel, managed by a former member of the Kremlin’s armed forces, revealed that bottles of Jameson Irish whiskey and a large gateau had been delivered to a celebration marking the 20th anniversary of the pilots’ graduation from Armavir higher military aviation school. However, thanks to the vigilance of the academy’s officers, the whiskey was not consumed, and the cake tasted by none of the 77 guests present.
The Suspicious Delivery:
According to Fighterbomber, the delivery was anonymous, and the officers, exercising great conscientiousness, decided not to proceed with the consumption of the alcohol and cake. The channel claims that, by sheer chance, the decision turned out to be lifesaving, as they believe the items were laced with a powerful poison. Gratefully, no one fell victim to the potentially tragic consequences that could have unfolded from ingesting either the cake or the whiskey.
The Russian Connection:
Fighterbomber, known for its ties to the air force, revealed that the man responsible for the delivery was identified as 32-year-old E. Semenov. He was apprehended at the local airport after being tracked via Russia’s extensive facial recognition databases, which indicated that he hailed from Melitopol, occupied Ukraine. It is alleged that Semenov promptly confessed, mentioning both the cake and the poisoned bottles. Although Russia’s Baza media outlet published a photo of the suspect, no official statements have been released by Russian law enforcement regarding the alleged poisoning attempt.
The Significance of Armavir Military Aviation Academy:
Armavir higher military aviation school holds a prestigious position within the country, with a legacy dating back to its establishment by Stalin in 1940. Known for its rigorous training and notable alumni, the academy has produced highly decorated pilots who have contributed to Russia’s defense capabilities. The fact that such an institution was the target of a potential poisoning plot reflects the ongoing tensions surrounding war and conflict in the region.
Grim Statistics of the War with Ukraine:
While the alleged poisoning attempt at Armavir has shocked many, it pales in comparison to the human toll of the ongoing war with Ukraine. Recent statements by Alexei Vovchenko, a deputy labor minister in Moscow, indicate that approximately 54% of severely injured Russian soldiers have undergone limb amputations. This bleak statistic suggests that around 60,000 Russian troops have lost an arm or a leg during the war. Additionally, according to the British Ministry of Defence, up to 190,000 Russian soldiers have been killed or seriously injured, leaving them unable to participate in combat.
The foiled poisoning attempt at Armavir military aviation academy sparks concerns about the safety of military personnel and the lengths adversaries may go to disrupt or cause harm. It highlights the ever-present risks faced by those involved in conflicts, such as the war with Ukraine, which has exacted a devastating toll on both Russian and Ukrainian soldiers. As tensions continue to escalate, the focus must remain on efforts to de-escalate and seek peaceful resolutions, ensuring the safety and well-being of all those involved.
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