El Septimo, the renowned premium cigar company, is venturing into the world of luxury spirits with the launch of El Septimo Vodka. This exciting addition to their product lineup signifies the brand’s commitment to providing unmatched experiences to connoisseurs worldwide. Crafted with the utmost care and attention to detail, El Septimo Vodka epitomizes artisanal craftsmanship and dedication.
What sets El Septimo Vodka apart is its rich French heritage. Every drop of this exquisite vodka is sourced, distilled, and bottled exclusively in the heart of France, paying homage to age-old traditions. But it doesn’t stop there. El Septimo Vodka employs the revered copper pot still distillation process, a method usually reserved for the most luxurious cognacs and spirits. This level of intricacy in distillation is a rarity, with less than 1% of vodkas worldwide boasting such a distinguished pedigree.
The journey from French wheat to the refined spirit that is El Septimo Vodka is nothing short of extraordinary. Only the purest 100% French wheat goes into its production, and it undergoes a meticulous slow filtration process to ensure unparalleled smoothness. And just like their cigars, El Septimo Vodka is produced in small batches, making it an exclusive limited edition for those with discerning palates.
Zaya S. Younan, the CEO of El Septimo, expresses his excitement about introducing this exceptional vodka to the world. He emphasizes that El Septimo Vodka is not just about the drink itself, but about the entire experience of immersing oneself in a legacy of superior craftsmanship.
For those interested in indulging in the pinnacle of luxury spirits, El Septimo Vodka will be available at select luxury outlets, bars, and restaurants. Due to its limited-edition nature, aficionados are advised to secure their order promptly.
El Septimo is not merely a premium cigar company; it is an emblem of luxury and refinement. With its commitment to providing unparalleled quality and experiences, the brand has expanded its offerings to include premium spirits like El Septimo Cognac and El Septimo Wines. It continuously strives to transcend the boundaries of ordinary and offer nothing short of the extraordinary to its clientele.
Behind El Septimo is Younan Company, a global private equity firm specializing in acquiring and managing luxury assets and companies. With more than $5.8 billion in assets under management, Younan Company has built a portfolio of luxury products, properties, and lifestyle companies and services. From El Septimo Premium Cigars to Chateau la Croix Younan and Chateau Zaya vineyards, as well as luxury hotels and resorts, Younan Company has truly established itself as a global luxury brand.
In conclusion, El Septimo Vodka is the epitome of luxury spirits. With its French heritage, meticulous distillation process, and limited-edition production, this vodka sets itself apart from the crowd. For those seeking an extraordinary experience, El Septimo Vodka is a must-try. So raise a glass and savor the exceptional craftsmanship that El Septimo has to offer.
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