Title: “Support Israel’s Winemakers and Humanitarian Efforts with Every Sip”
In the wake of the recent invasion by Hamas, Israel’s wineries have suffered significant setbacks. The conflict, occurring during the harvest season, has left many wineries struggling as their workers, who are also reservists in the Israel Defense Forces, were called up to serve their country. The impact of this crisis extends beyond the current year’s sales, affecting vintages that won’t be ready for sale for years to come. To aid both the wineries and humanitarian relief efforts, Americans are encouraged to show solidarity by purchasing Israeli wine, with 10% of sales from the main US distributor going towards relief initiatives.
Israel’s Wine Industry: A Rich Heritage:
Israel’s winemaking tradition dates back 5,000 years. Despite being a relatively local secret until recently, Israeli wines are gaining recognition worldwide for their excellent quality. With 300 wineries, many located in historical Biblical regions such as Galilee and Nazareth, this ancient land is becoming synonymous with exceptional wines. These regions, rich in religious and historical significance, are home to renowned vineyards like Carmel, founded in 1882 by Edmond James de Rothschild. Additionally, wineries like Tulip in Galilee provide employment opportunities for individuals with special needs, showcasing the industry’s commitment to social inclusivity.
The Challenges Faced by Israeli Wineries:
Unlike other industries, winemaking cannot be paused or operated with limited staff. The intricate process of growth, ripening, and crafting wine demands dedicated hands-on attention. With many wineries lacking essential staff due to military call-ups, the entire industry faces an impeding crisis. Furthermore, the ongoing conflict has dampened celebrations and gatherings, impacting not only this year’s sales but also the future vintages that showcase the true character of the land.
Supporting Israel’s Wineries and Relief Efforts:
Joshua Greenstein, vice president of the Israel Wine Producers Association, urges individuals to make a tangible difference by purchasing Israeli wine. In doing so, not only do you support the wineries and their workers but also contribute to Israeli relief efforts. From November 1, 2023, to December 31, 2023, 10% of every case shipped will be donated to these humanitarian initiatives. With the support of the wine-consuming public, these challenges can be overcome, and wineries will continue to create exquisite wines that reflect the unique character of both the vintage and Israel itself.
Kosher Wines and the Land of “Milk and Honey”:
For the religiously observant, the range of wines available offers an additional incentive. The distributor exclusively sells bottles and cases from the 40 kosher wineries in Israel. This ensures that those who follow kosher dietary laws can indulge in the rich flavors of these exceptional wines. Furthermore, Israel’s ancient land, often referred to in the Old Testament as a “land flowing with milk and honey,” has now garnered worldwide recognition for its winemaking traditions.
The invasion of Israel by Hamas has put immense strain on the country’s wineries, impacting their operations and livelihoods. As supporters of Israel, we have the opportunity to make a difference by purchasing Israeli wines. By doing so, we support not only an ancient winemaking tradition but also relief efforts that aim to alleviate the hardships faced by the affected communities. Let us come together, raise a glass of Israeli wine, and show our solidarity with the remarkable winemakers and their enduring spirit.
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