Title: The Donn From The Craft Irish Whiskey Company: A Whiskey That Demands Attention
In the world of whiskey, competition is fierce, and only the finest spirits stand out among the rest. Recently, at the Global Spirits Masters Autumn Blind Tasting, The Donn from The Craft Irish Whiskey Company emerged as the undisputed champion in the Irish Whiskey category. In this blog post, we will delve into the story behind this exceptional whiskey and explore why it has garnered such high praise from esteemed judges.
A Unique Maturation Journey:
The Donn embarked on an extraordinary journey from the moment it was distilled. After spending four years in ex-bourbon barrels, it was carefully transferred into ex-Tawny Port pipes, infusing it with rich flavors. But the innovative craftsmanship did not end there. The whiskey then returned to ex-bourbon barrels, this time heavily toasted, before receiving its final touch in 68-liter PX barrels. This meticulous process resulted in a laboriously crafted whiskey, aged just over six years, and bottled at an exacting 46.1% ABV.
Exquisite Flavors and Aromas:
The judges at the Global Spirits Masters were captivated by The Donn’s captivating qualities. Panel chair Bryan Rodriguez-Curtis, of Harvey Nichols, praised its rich nose, reminiscent of rye, with a beautiful deep amber color and enticing red fruit notes. But it was the palate that truly stole the show. Described as “pure luxury,” this whiskey demands attention and delivers a full-bodied texture, complexity, and indulgent flavors. Such praise from the experts is truly remarkable and speaks volumes about The Donn’s exceptional quality.
Unforgettable Mouthfeel:
What sets The Donn apart is its silky nuttiness, rarely found in a whiskey of this age. This unique mouthfeel adds another layer of complexity and enjoyment to the overall tasting experience. Truly, this whiskey is a testament to the Craft Irish Whiskey Company’s dedication to producing exceptional spirits.
The Artistry Behind The Craft:
The Craft Irish Whiskey Company is no stranger to making waves in the whiskey world. In 2021, they made headlines with a luxurious $2 million whiskey set. Known for their show-stopping designs and premium pricing, the brand consistently proves that there is more to their products than meets the eye. Their Devil’s Keep release even earned them the esteemed title of World’s Best Irish Whiskey at the 2022 World Whiskies Awards. While this release may come with a staggering price tag of £12,400, The Donn offers whiskey enthusiasts a more accessible option at a retail price of around $220.
A Bottle That Tells a Story:
The Donn’s bottle design is as captivating as the whiskey itself. Inspired by Tech Duinn, the mythical home of the ancient Irish god Donn, the geometric shape of the bottle holds symbolic significance. Topped with a stopper made from copper and obsidian, it exudes an air of elegance and craftsmanship. Whether displayed on a backbar or savored during a special occasion, The Donn commands attention and adds a touch of sophistication.
What Lies Ahead:
As we await the release of the 2023 Global Spirits Masters, we can anticipate more exceptional award-winning whiskies like The Donn. The Craft Irish Whiskey Company promises forthcoming information on a subsequent release, making whiskey enthusiasts across Europe and the United States eagerly await the opportunity to experience their next masterpiece.
The Donn’s triumph at the Global Spirits Masters Autumn Blind Tasting serves as a testament to the Craft Irish Whiskey Company’s dedication to creating exceptional whiskies. Through meticulous craftsmanship and a commitment to quality, they have produced a whiskey that demands attention and delivers an unforgettable tasting experience. Whether you are a whiskey connoisseur or a casual enthusiast, The Donn is a bottle worth savoring, with its complex flavors, exquisite aromas, and remarkable mouthfeel.
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