Vodka Jungle Juice 1
How to make Jungle Juice
How to make jungle juice recipe
Jungle Juice is a staple at any college party and comes in a million different recipes and variations. Jungle juice has a reputation of being high in alcohol content and able to hide it’s strong alcohol content well with the strong fruit juice added in. Jungle juice is also notorius for hangovers because of all the sugar added in to the jungle juice recipe. Since every party you go to will have jungle juice, those strivings to be campus legends will want to have the best tasting jungle juice. To reach the level of master you have to first understand the basics. We’re going to list out a basic recipe to get you started and other secret tips we picked up over the years as well.
Jungle Juice Overview
Jungle juice is a mixture of various fruit juices and liquors. These liquors usually involve everclear, and vodka. Jungle juice goes by many different names like PJ, Purple Jesus, etc. Jungle juice is usually made in large quanity to serve a party of people. These large batches are usually made in large coolers, bathtubs, trashcans, etc.
How to make Jungle Juice
Prepare the jungle juice the night before the party.
Other Jungle Juice Recipes:
This is where making jungle juice can get a little tricky. To be a master of any recipe you need to experiment with adding in different items into the recipe. There is the possibility of millions of different jungle juce recipes that could be made. Hopefully some of these jungle juice recipe item add-ins will help:
How to get Everclear?
Everclear is banned in some states due to its high alcohol percentage. Everclear can still be purchased if the liquor is banned in a state. Everyclear can can be purchased on any military base in the U.S.A. This means that someone’s friend or family member with military ties could drive on base and purchase a bottle.