Relieve Hangover 1
Best ways to cure a hangover
How to cure a hangover and best hangover cure
Had a little too much fun last night? Does that entire town know you had a good time last night? Odds are you’re feeling it today with a vicious hangover. Hangovers come in many different shapes and forms, but they all suck. The trendy popular thing to do is just drink a beer in the morning. This works wonders sometimes, but if you really raged last night then odds are you won’t be able to stomach even the thought of mre alcohol going down your throat.
We’ll spare you the details and get right to the list of the best hangover cures.
Drink water, then drink some more water.
It’s a well known fact that alcohol dehydrates your body. The key to really curing a hangover is never letting it happen in the first place. A great defense is offense! Right before going out to drink, drink as much water as you can. This will work wonders for your body the next day, but let’s get real. You wouldn’t be reading this article if you had thought of that last night. So you can still make up for lost time today and drink as much water as you can get your hands on.
Greasy food and Eggs
The grease fro greasy food coats your stomach and helps sooth the pain you might might feeling. A little known fact is that eggs contain a chemical called Cysteine. This chemical will actually break down acetaldehyde toxins in your body from alcohol.
Toast with honey
This is an old home remedy for hangovers. My grandma swears by it.
Cold & hot showers
When taking your daily shower be sure to change the water temp from cold to hot, etc. This is a little trick we learned to shock your body into waking up fully.
Pepto-Bismol & pain relievers
When in doubt reach for the over the counter medicines at your local pharmacy. You will want to try and stay away from medicine containing acetaphetamine, since it’s known to cause a strain on your liver when combined with alcohol.
Drink Real Fruit Juice
Real fruit jucies like all natural orange juice, apple juice, etc. will replenish your body with vitamins that was washed out by the alcohol. This doesn’t always work though, since the acid in some fruit juices can cause an upset stomach to be extra pissed.
Bananas contain potassium which is depleted by alcohol. Eating bananas works wonders for our hangovers!
Sleeping works wonders and is the great healer of the body. If you can try and sleep off you hangover.
Drink Pickle juice
People of Poland drink pickle juice to balance out their acidity levels after a hard night of boozing.
if worse comes to worse just go with the age old cure…
Hair of the dog
Chug a beer, feel better. The only hard part is trying to stomach the beer if you drank way too much the night before. Bloody marys seem to cure our hangovers much better than beer.