Top 10 German Beers and Best German Beer
Germany is one of the top 3 homelands of beer, surpassed only by Ireland and Czech Republic. You can find over 5000 brands of beer there, and each region produces one or more special types. Most are good, and some are just more excellent than the others. For your fine tasting and drinking pleasure, here are our top 10 favorites of the moment. With so many to pick from, the list is always changing, so don’t be surprised if next month brings up some different names!
1. Diebels Altbier
“Alt” means “old” in German, but when you taste this one you don’t care if it’s old or new. A nice substantial brown beer, it has a medium body and leaves you with just a hint of a bitter reminder.
2. St. Georgen Brau Pilsner Buttenheim
Pale gold with a white head, this beer is reminiscent of candied orange peel, with a touch of muscat and a rosy, spicy aroma.
3. Goesser Pilsner
Another light, crisp beer with a sweet pilsner malt taste. Sporting a medium golden white foamy head, this pils combines high carbonation with a medium bitter aftertaste.
4. Franken Brau Premium Pilsner
A fine drink bearing a definite muscat flavor. The aftertaste suggests a sense of wine mixed with the grain aromas.
5. Goller Art Pilsner
Given that 2/3 of German beers are pilsners, it’s no surprise that they’re so well represented here! You’ll find a combination of must, yeast, and almonds in the decidedly fruity flavor and bouquet. One of the drier beers.
6. Franziskaner Bock
A venerable member of the German family, you’ll experience a solid, rich beer with a full and satisfying taste. It compares to an old English stout.
7. Augustiner Helles
A delicious bottle from a top brewer, this very light beer bestows a characteristic caramel sweetness on your drinking experience. Not to be missed.
8. Heller-Trum Aecht Schlenkerla Rauchbier
A dark and somewhat sweet beer that adds a smoky note as well, owing to the effects of the beechwood logs whose smoke gives it the unique flavor.
9. Warsteiner Pilsner or Dunkel
From the largest private brewery in Germany, you’ll enjoy whichever one of these you encounter first. Both the pilsner and the dunkel are top sellers with good reason.
10. Reissdorf Kölsch
Another beer that reminds you of a fruity, tart wine. Pale and moderately bitter, its dry aftertaste rounds out the composition leaving you with a well-quenched thirst but a desire for more.
Is your appetite whetted? This is only a hint of what’s in store for you and your taste buds. You may have to travel a bit to find some of these fine beverages, but that only makes them taste better in the end!