Shotgunning Beer 1
How to shotgun a beer
Best way to shotgun a beer
Shotgunning a beer can is a common sight as parties, sporting tailgates, and other gatherings. There is something manly about being able to shotgun a beer without spilling beer all over your shirt. In our vast time of barhopping we have been challeneged to many beer shotgun races and have won and lost. The biggest key to these races is not spilling beer all over yourself. Not only will you be a race loser but you will also have to walk around in shame with beer all over your clothes. Trust us, it sucks.
We’re going to do our best to make sure this never happens to you. These easy steps explain how to shotgun a beer:
1. Locate the can of beer you’ll be using Make sure the beer is light beer. The lighter the beer is the easier the shotgunning will be.
2. Hold the can horizontally while tilting the can a little downwards. This slight downward angle will create the air hole at the bottom of the beer can.
3. Puncture the beer can. This can be done with whatever is safe. You will want to create the hole towards the bottom of the beer can where the air hole is located. This step is key if you do not want to spill any beer.
4. Bring the puncture hole to the mouth and chug all the beer in the can while you squeeze the can of beer. Don’t squeeze the can too hard or you will spill beer everywhere. Don’t feel bad if you spill the first time, everyone does on their first try.
5. Beer shotgun variations. You can shotgun a beer several different ways.
Here is one example:
Create a hole towards the bottom of the beer can and without spilling the beer, simply open the can pop top and proceed to chug. The two holes in the beer can let the beer flow out faster. This is more the chick way of shotgunning beer btw.