Fun Halloween Drinking Games 1
Halloween Drinking Games
Halloween Drinking Games
Halloween isn’t just for little kids; it’s also time for the grown-ups to relax and let their hair down a little bit. Although fun costumes do set the tone for a good party, kick things up a few notches by organizing a few of these fun drinking parties.
Bobbing for Booze
This is a magnificent game based on the traditional bobbing for apples. While those who are wearing face paint or elaborate, spooky-themed make-up may not appreciate getting their faces and heads dunked into a tub of liquid, it’s still good fun. For those who don’t know, the traditional game is played like this: A bunch of apples are placed in a tub full of water, and participants need to pick up an apple using only their teeth: no hands are allowed. While this game is great for the little ones, for adults it needs to be spiced up a bit.
T o make the game more interesting for those who are of drinking age, there are three variations. The first variation is replacing the apples with miniature bottles of alcohol which are available at liquor shops. When the “booze bobber” manages to catch a bottle in his or her mouth, he or she must immediately down the contents.
The next variation is also fun, and can end up costing a bit less as no miniature bottles are needed; alcohol from regular sized containers will be more appropriate. In this version, apples are used, but before being placed in the giant tub of water, a number from one to four is carved into the side. When a participant picks up the apple in his or her teeth, if the apple has a “3” carved into it, he or she must take three shots of alcohol. If the number on the apple says 2, then two shots must be consumed. By the time the round is over, if make-up or special costume details are ruined by water, everybody will be having so much fun that nobody will care!
To make the game even more “interesting”, instead of floating the apples or miniature liquor bottles in water, put them in a tub full of jungle juice, which is a mix of hard liquor, fruit juices, beverages such as Kool-Aid or Tang, and chunks of fresh fruit.
The Movie Drinking Game
This is a very easy game, but everybody enjoys it because it’s just plain silly and adds another dimension of fun. Basically, the rules need to be agreed upon beforehand; a shot of alcohol must be consumed every time a certain event or cue happens in scary movie. For example, the rule might be to take a shot every time there is heavy breathing in a horror movie. At some parties, the cue to have a shot might be a scream. No matter what the cue is, one should make sure that it is something that will occur with enough frequency so that people can get a bit tipsy; the game will be a failure if the agreed-upon cue never takes place!
Halloween Centurion
While this isn’t a typical Halloween drinking game, it will be a very appropriate game to play if there are people dressed up in Roman Centurion costumes. This is a game that should be played with beer due to the vast amount of shots that are consumed in a relatively short amount of time.
Centurion is played like this: participants usually sit at a table and have a shot glass placed in front of them. The shot glass is filled with beer, and a shot of beer is taken once a minute for one hundred minutes. While this may seem like a very tame amusement, one must keep in mind that 100 ounces of beer will be consumed in one hour and forty minutes; that’s the equivalent of 3 litres of beer, or roughly 6 pints. When was the last time you drank 6 pints of beer in under two hours?
A word of caution must be used here. Never, under any circumstances, attempt to play centurion with hard liquor; this can lead to alcohol poisoning at worst and one heck of a mess to clean up at best.
Halloween Beer Pong
Beer Pong is a familiar drinking game to students the world over: a team will bounce ping-pong balls on a table and get them to land in one of the cups of beer which are arranged in a triangle on the other side. If the ball does land in one of the beer cups, the opposing team must drink the beer. If the ball misses, the team bouncing the ball must drink one of their own beers. The team who finishes their beer first loses (or wins, depending on how you see the situation.) For a Halloween twist, instead of beer, use jungle juice or a punch recipe featuring a blood-red juice such as cranberry or raspberry juice and lots of vodka.
Halloween parties are fun, and these drinking games are guaranteed to make them even more fun. However, always remember to appoint designated drivers and never, under any circumstances, allow a person who’s been drinking to get behind the wheel of a car. Even one alcoholic beverage is enough to impair one’s judgement, so make driving arrangements beforehand, ensure there’s enough cash on hand to pay for a taxi, and have some space reserved for guests who may need to spend the night. Have a fun Halloween, and drink responsibly!