Alcohol Faqs 1
What is Alcohol
What is alcohol?
Depending on your location in the world, your view on alcohol could be very contrasting. Alcohol is banned in certain parts of the world, and glorified in others. Alcohol has a long and storied history of consumption, taboo, crazy stories, regret, and even death. This article will attempt to list out exactly what alcohol is, it’s causes, side effects, and stages of intoxication. When alcohol is referred to consumption for recreation this alcohol is officially known as Ethanol.
Alcohol (Ethanol) Definition: A depressant liquid that is known to cause intoxication and go by many names including Grain Alcohol, Pure Alcohol, Ethyl Alcohol, and drinking Alcohol. Alcohol is known to be very flammable and a mostly colorless liquid. It’s thought to be of the oldest used psychoactive drugs in the world. Alcohol is known to be used in recreational and social drinking. Alcohol is also known to be used as a solvent or even fuel for various machines.
How is Alcohol made?
The Three major ways to make alcohol:
1. Fermentation: A process that usually involves a grain or fruit mixture settling and fermenting over time with yeast. After fermentation a distillation process if follow for spirits and liquors. This fermentation process is the process that’s used in ethanol (drinking alcohol).
2. Chemical modification of fossil fuels: Modifications of oil, natural gas, coal. The process that’s used for Industrial alcohol.
3. Chemical combination of hydrogen and carbon monoxide: This combination is used to create wood or methanol alcohol.
Alcohol Facts
Alcohol Fun Facts
The Culture of Alcohol
Like stated earlier alcohol is glorified in many parts of the world, as well as banned in many parts of the world as well. Alcohol has a very distinct and storied place in many world cultures. The inclusion of alcohol in cultures includes drinking alcohol in several different forms from beer, wine, spirits, and many more. Imagine what the Irish culture would be without alcohol? How would various middle eastern cultures be without the ban of alcohol? These are curious questions that can spark interesting thought.
Side effects of Alcohol
Alcohol Intoxication (Drunk): Alcohol after extended consumption will cause the consumer to become intoxicated – drunk. The more alcohol that is consumed the more intoxicated the consumer will become. Alcohol Consumer body weight, sex, and several other factors are integral to the level of intoxication to consumption ratio.
The higher the concentration of alcohol in a drink, the faster the consumer will become intoxicated. This is known as absorption.
Carbonated beverages are known to speed up the process of alcohol absorption which leads to faster intoxication.
Consuming Food is known to slow down the absorption of alcohol.
Once absorption occurs, alcohol enters the consumer’s blood stream and will start to the effects of alcohol on the body. The level of alcohol in the consumer’s blood stream can be measure by their blood alcohol concentration (BAC Level). There are various tools used to measure BAC level, including blood test and breathalyzers.
Alcohol angover and alcohol detoxification:
Alcohol hangovers will cause headaches, upset stomachs and overall not feeling well. Hangovers are caused by the consumer’s body trying to detoxify itself of the alcohol in the body.
After alcohol is absorbed by the bloodstream in can leave the body in three different ways:
A normal human body can detoxify a avg of .5 oz (15 ml) of alcohol in one hour. It would take an average person one hour to get rid of all alcohol in their system from a an average can of beer.
The stages of intoxication (being drunk)
1. Alcohol Euphoria
(BAC = 0.03 to 0.12 percent)
2. Alcohol Excitement
(BAC = 0.09 to 0.25 percent)
3. Alcohol Confusion
(BAC = 0.18 to 0.30 percent)
4. Alcohol Stupor
(BAC = 0.25 to 0.4 percent)
5. Alcohol Coma
(BAC = 0.35 to 0.50 percent)
6. Death
(BAC more than 0.50 percent)
Long term alcohol side effects
Alcohol parting shots
Alcohol can lead to great times and can lead to terrible times. Alcohol is a centric part of many social cultures and is involved in many people’s everyday life. If you choose to consume alcohol for recreational use then do so responsibly and in mediation.
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