April 2013 2
Ch@t Vodka Review
Usually you get as drunk as possible to deal with school but a new brand of Vodka actually came FROM a school assignment. Pennsylvania resident Melissa Sohmer is turning homework into something much more as she’s released Ch@t Vodka into the world.
There are two things about it that make it different then the vodka you’re used to. The first is the taste. Ch@t Vodka doesn’t use typical methods to give it an unforgettable flavour. They use a process called TerrePure that takes far less time to age the vodka. It takes away the harsh elements commonly left behind when the traditional routes are taken and replaces them with ultrasonic energy leaving behind a smooth subtle taste with character. Think of it as an upgrade.
The other thing helping it stand out is its youthful appearance. While Vodka is enjoyed by drinkers of all ages, it’s marketing demographic is rarely someone in their early 20’s. Ch@t Vodka flips that on its ear by labeling bottles with popular text acronyms, helping younger drinkers relate to its product. It doesn’t hurt that it tastes great and has a fun taste as well! Ch@t comes in two flavours, both named after popular internet acronyms. The original flavour vodka is called P2P (or Person to Person) but it also boasts a fun strawberry flavoured vodka called SMH (or Shaking my Head, something you’ll be doing plenty of the next morning as it tends to go down smooth and easy). If the chosen acronyms seem random, they’re not. The first letter tells you what flavour it is. The P in P2P is for Plain (Vodka flavoured) and the S in SMH is for Strawberry. As the line expands expect future text friendly names.
Like I said above, Ch@t Vodka started as graphic design assignment in college. Her goal was to combine the ever importance of social media and alcohol. Ch@t is truly a family run affair. While it was Melissa’s original idea, she involved her father, who helped her make the prototype and network with experts and distillers, and her uncle Scott, who is assisting with the marketing and making the majority of the sales calls. Right now it’s marketed at just under $30, making it the perfect price for the younger crowd to enjoy. It’s only been a few months since Ch@t made its grand debut but it’s already sold in 10 suppliers in New Jersey, as well as on special order in Pennsylvania, and a select few restaurants with more to be added.
Having tried both kinds it’s easy to see why this will be successful. The regular flavoured Ch@t vodka (P2P) goes down much smoother, as advertised, with less of that harsh taste. If flavoured vodka is more up your ally you’ll definitely enjoy the strawberry flavor (SMH). It has a fruity taste but not enough to overpower the vodka and make it too sweet. Whichever you prefer Ch@t Vodka is doing things their own way and making drinking with friends even more youthful.
Connect with CH@T VODKA – Click Here
Kas’tell Vodka Review
Think about the last weekend you went out with your friends. How did you feel the next day? If it was a good night, you probably didn’t feel amazing. Any Vodka drinker knows the price they pay the next morning after a night out drinking their favourite brand. Kas’tell Vodka is slowly changing the game one bottle at a time. Right off the bat it stands out in a sleek and sexy dark red bottle. It definitely stands out in a memorable way. At the end of the day it doesn’t matter what it’s in as long as it delivers in taste and flavour. I’m very glad to say Kas’tell Vodka does, big time. It boasts a smooth taste with no to zero burn. You may even find yourself in a much better mood the next morning as, since there’s less toxins involved, you’re far more likely to wake up hangover free. No hangover? Talk about perfection. Does it get any better?
Amazingly enough, it does. For each bottle of Kas’tell Vodka you purchase, you’re not only helping yourself have a better Sunday morning, you’re helping someone in need that really needs it. Proceeds of each bottle go towards registered charities and communities in need. It’s all part of a plan to reward the community and help people in need, making it the most charitable vodka on the market today.
Kas’tell Vodka is already making quite a name for itself in the entertainment industry. It was actually created by entertainment executive Thomas Kastelz. Thomas has been around the block for over a decade so he knows the ins-and-outs of the entertainment world. The idea was brought to Jeff Spencer and a partnership was struck. Since then the brand has expanded and a team of industry professionals were brought on board, including three separate marketing directors. Kast’ell Vodka knows what they are doing and how to reach the top.
Kas’tell Vodka is a luxury choice all the way. Creators Kastelz and Spencer refer to the brand as “embodiment of pop and hip hop culture for those who seek the quintessential experience of taste, style, and class.” It was always meant to be experienced in higher class situations and locations. While this may alienate certain demographics of drinkers, Kas’tell Vodka isn’t about attracting everyone. It’s about finding people who know what they want and deserve nothing but the best. Top quality Vodka is the name of the game.
So Kas’tell Vodka is a hit with vodka lovers, helping people in need, and the entertainment industry. You’d think that’s it but it’s even critically acclaimed. In 2013 Kas’tell Vodka won the Silver Medal for the Denver International Spirits Competition. It’s only a matter of time until they start sweeping future competitions. Kas’tell Vodka isn’t doing too badly for a company that only started a few years ago. It’s a good thing they’re offering vodka the way they do, you won’t be able to forget them the morning after the next time you go out.
To find out more about Kas’tell Vodka, click here.
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