Summer Beer 1
Top 10 Summer Beers
Top 10 Summer Beers and Best Summer Beer
The sun is out and the grills are hot! While many are spending time questioning the early arrival of summer, here at icohol, the only questions we ask when the weather looks like this, is what summer beer we’ll be pulling out of the refrigerator. There is a pretty long list of liquid summer treats, so we’ll help you narrow down the list of whats worth your time.
1. St. Bernardus Witbier
A great and high ranking Belgian Wheat Ale that is perfect for a warm, summer evening. St. Bernardus pours a smooth, cloudy yellow color. With a head that clings to the glass and an aroma that brings about the aromas of clove, orange and even banana, St. Bernardus is just enough to make it a great summer ale while still retaining a full and rich taste. Carbonation enough that it can cleanse the palette with each swig, St. Bernardus is both delicious and refreshing. Ah, summer ales from foreign places…
2. Plank Bavarian Hefeweizen
So pretty much the elite of summer beers lies in the Hefeweizen standard. One such beer is indeed the Plank Bavarian. Plank Bavarian pours darker then the aforementioned beers, but has a thicker and whiter head sitting atop than the previous two as well. What makes Plank great for the summer is what tends to make Hefeweizen’s amazing to begin with: the rich aroma and complex taste. Plank titillates the tongue and nose with vanilla, banana, wheat and even bubblegum. What says summer more than light, fresh scents and tastes?
3. Sam Adams Summer Ale
Sam Adams has done a great job or producing a great variety of seasonal beers and Summer Ale is no exception. The Summer Ale encompasses everything you would think should be in a summer beer. While more mild in smell and taste, the Summer Ale pours as a dark, golden hue with an off-white fluffy head that is accompanied with moderate lacing. Enough to create a thirst upon sight. You’ll receive a citrus, lemon and spice smell in a waft. While softer than other beers, the Summer Ale is a great option for those newer to beers but making the transition to the summer time ales.
4. Heady Topper
A beer straight from America and out of Vermont, Heady is an Imperial IPA that pours a lighter yellow the same as the St. Bernardus. Why is this beer on the list? Other than having an awesome name, the amount of citrus-y flavor you’ll receive from it is out of this world. A near explosion of fruity and tropical aromas such as pineapple, mango, grapefruit, papaya and orange. Not only can you smell this intense citrus flavor one the can is popped, but even an amateur drinker can distinguish the differences between the various flavors. A full body beer combined with moderate carbonation, makes this an enjoyable and easy to drink beer.
5. Weihenstephaner Hefe Weissbier
Who can even say that? But for a great German beer, I’m sure you’ll learn pretty fast. Its head is a full, white froth that laces perfectly down the glass. A golden, peach color provides the first hint that this beer is refreshing. The Weihenstephaner beer combines the bready tastes of a more winter beer, with the citrusy taste of summer beers. Not only will you be hit with an aroma of citrus, banana and clove like the previous beers on this list, but the Weihenstephaner brings an undercurrent of ginger to the table. While it holds a yeasty taste, this beer finished light and refreshing. The perfect beer to make you say “ahhh”.
6. Anchor Summer Beer
One you may or not be familiar with, but Anchor Summer Beer does a great job of bringing a lively taste to the lineup of summer beers. Its a lighter colored beer than the Sam Adams and has a stronger taste of malty, citrus flavor. Anchor’s summer beer has a thicker head due to the protein deposits of wheat; in part because this is an all malt beer. Its moderate carbonation and faint lemon taste makes Anchor Summer Beer a perfect treat on a hot summer day.
7. Saison Dupont
Lets talk some French? oui? The Saison Dupont is a beer made in the french speaking parts of Belgium and is a highly regarded refreshing beer. The difference between other beers on this list and the Saison is almost immediate once you begin to pour and receive a waft of its brewed deliciousness. A clearer, straw yellowed coloring, Saison Dupont differentiates itself by bringing new flavors such as a grassy, flowery scent and taste. The drinker will also experience a peppery, hoppy mouthful. A full body is refreshing accompanied with champagne like carbonation, making it easy to drink down. The Saison Dupont makes this both an awesome beer to drink as well sound amazing to order.
8. Flying Dog In-Heat Wheat
Bringing it back to America, Flying Dog is an east coast beer that reminds us that just because its summer doesn’t mean everything has to be thin. Flying Dog pours a darker, golden brown with an aroma of yeast and banana infused citrus. While its a thicker summer beer, it certainly resembles a Hefe is many senses, combining a well laced head with a taste that pushes a drinker to pull out each complex ingredient to roll over the tongue. Sliding over the tongue, Flyind Dog has a bold taste that leaves both a refreshing and flavorful mouthful. Plus, the can is pretty awesome.
9. Hop Sun
Sun is in the name! So it has to be good right? This beer is on this list purely because it tastes like what summer is: simple and pure. Hop Sun is light all over, except in taste. While the won’t punch you in the face with aromas, that doesn’t mean the taste is lacking. Pours golden, tastes citrusy and hoppy. A balanced beer, the mouthfeel is even and allows for its simple complexities (yes I see what I did there) to be acknowledged and enjoyed. Finally, its light carbonation makes it easy to enjoy one after another.
10. Zombie Dust
Zombie Dust makes the list for a few reasons. First, it sounds cool. Second, who doesn’t love anything dealing with zombies. Third, this beer is amazing. More of a orange hue once poured, the head is thick at first, making for a beautiful glassful of beer. Aromas descend upon the nose in a fruity, tropical wave of tastiness. Grains, lemon, grapefruit come together to make a resiny taste. You’ll find that the taste encompasses all of this and more, expressing itself while being swirled over the tongue to a caramel like experience. Zombie Dust, while packing so much flavor, is great for the summer because its gentle on the tongue and sweet to taste. A smooth taste and gentle carbonation provides this beer to the drinker as a thirst quenching, delightful summer treat.