Drink Better Than Bloody Mary 1
Budweiser Chelada cures hangovers
Are you looking for a new way to cure that hangover from last night? We think we found it. The budweiser Chelada works wonders for curing hangovers the day after. The beer/tomato mixture seems to work magic together. Hell, we even like them when we’re not hungover. We think they taste great, we seem to like the bud light better than the budweiser.
These Budweiser chelads seem to be much more convienent than having to make a bloody mary, yet they deliver the same hangover curing effect.
Anheuser busch is offering Budweiser Chelada all over the country in mass distribution. You can find these chelads in pretty much any gas station or local store.
These Cheladas comes in a Bud light version and a Budweiser version. It’s all taste preference on which one tastes best, we’ve heard different opinions on them.
Budweiser also made a Chelada fact sheet:
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