Best Vodka Shots 1
Best alcohol shots to order
Best Alcohol Shots to Order and Drink
It’s a bar/club ritual in our group of friends to shoot shots whenever we go out for a night of booze & fun. We caught ourselves always ordering the same shots everytime we went out. We did what we could to fix this problem and started to research the different shot recipes and shots we could order at the bar. After lots of experimenting, we’re proud to bring you this best shots to drink list. We divided the list up into several different categories. These categories depend on what you’re trying to achieve with the shot. (Women, drink, make friend’s puke lol).
Best shots to order a group
Delicous shot that tastes great and always a crowd pleaser.
Main Ingredients: Coconut rum, pineapple juice, melon liqueur, creme de bananes
Soco and lime
This is our favorite group shot. These shots are delicious and strong enough to be worth taking a shot of.
Main Ingredients: Sweetened lime Juice, Southern Comfort
We shower in this s*it! It could be argued that this is the most popular shot in the world.
Main Ingredients: Jagermeister, Energy Drink
This shot is a group shot favorite, but only if they like vodka!
Main Ingredients: Vodka, lime juice, triple sec
3 Wise men
This shot is all whiskey and if you don’t like the taste of whiskey then stay away.
Main Ingredients: Jim Bean, Jack Daniels, Johnny Walker
Purple Hooter
These are borderline chick shots, but they have vodka in them and taste good.
Main Ingredients: Vodka, Rasberry liqueur, 7-up
Tequila shots
Choose any tequila brand, they all work the same(except Aristocrat..more on this later). Tequila shots are always great for groups since they involve salt, lime, and body shots?
Main Ingredients: Tequila
Lemon drop
These shots can either be great or taste like pure vodka. It takes a skilled barmaster to serve these shots correctly. If these shots are done right then they always make a great crowd pleaser.
Main Ingredients: Vodka, Lemon juice, sugar
<Cherry Bomb
Like the jager bomb, but with cherry vodka. These shots are tasty.
Main Ingredients: Cherry vodka, energy drink
Washington apple
Don’t be fooled by this shot’s name. This shot contains Crow Royal and they pile on after time.
Main Ingredients: Crown Royal, apple schnapps, 7-up, cranberry juice
Mind Eraser
We never understood the naming behind this shot. It’s not that strong or mind erasing, but it is delicious when it hits the lips.
Main Ingredients: Vodka, Kahlua, tonic/sprite
Incredible Hulk
Ahh the black man’s kryptonite. Crazy story involving these shots when we were in Vegas.
Main Ingredients: Hennessy, Hipnotiq
This might be the people’s favorite and they just don’t know it. Every person we have ever ordered this shot for, loves them.
Main Ingredients: Kahlua, amaretto, irish cream
Alabama Slammer
Our resident booze friend in Alabama claims this alabama slammer recipe is the legit one.
Main Ingredients: Southern Comfort(So-Co), amaretto, cranberry juice
Best shots to order women
She will love these shots. They taste just like chocolate cake.
Main Ingredients: Vodka, Frangelico, Lemon, Sugar
Red headed slut
A staple of cougars everywhere.
Main Ingredients: Peach Schnapps, jagermeister, cranberry Juice
Jolly Rancher
This shot is a little on the sweet side, so don’t go crazy with it.
Main Ingredients: Apple Schnapps, peach schnapps, cranberry Juice
Pineapple upside down cake
We have to admit, we love this shot. It’s a total chick shot, but they’re oh so good.
Main Ingredients: Vanilla flavored vodka, pineapple juice, grenadine
Buttery Nipple
This shot could go in the group shots category as well. This is a very tasty shot, but can become a little much on the stomach after too many.
Main Ingredients: Buttershots Liqueur, irish cream
Surfer on acid
This shot recipe looks like it would be disgusting, but it’s like ranch and pizza.
Main Ingredients: Jagermeister, coconut rum, pineapple juice
Blow Job shot
You have to be careful, some women might take offense to this shot, and some well, will love it.
Main Ingredients: Kahlua, irish cream, whipped cream
Best shots to make your friends puke
A legendary shot, that conjurs cringes of fear when mentioned. We have some rough stories from the four horsemen.
Main Ingredients: Jagermeister, jose Cuervo, bacardi 151, peppermint Liqueur
Look at this shot recipe, seriously. This shot is borderline insanity. Greek liquor mixed with Mexican liquor and hot sauce? How does that even make sense?
Main Ingredients: Sambuca, tequila, hot sauce
Gorilla Fart
These shots are simple, and effective. They will knock you on your ass.
Main Ingredients: Bacardi 151, Wild turkey 101
Cement mixer
These shot are notorious for making people puke. This shot once mixed causes the the mix to curdle in the person’s mouth. This shot is makes our stomachs turn just thinking about it.
Main Ingredients: Irish cream, lime juice
Aristocrat Tequila
The only shot on our list that isn’t mixed. You order this shot straight up. This tequila is rough.
Main Ingredients: Aristocrat Tequila
Motor oil
This shot is disgusting. Everytime we try it we struggle to figure out why we even thought about taking it in the first place.
Main Ingredients: Jagermeister, goldschlager, peppermint schnapps, coconut rum
New Jersey Turnpike
This isn’t really a shot, more-so a torture device. This shot involves draining the liquor from the bar mart into a shot glass, and topped off by the bartender’s squeezed bar towel.
Main Ingredients: The bar mat, and bar rag