Title: A Whiskey-Filled Adventure: Ree Drummond’s Fun-Filled Family Trip to Vail, Colorado
Ree Drummond sure knows how to make the most of a family vacation. The Pioneer Woman recently embarked on a memorable trip to Vail, Colorado with her loved ones. Although their group was smaller this time, the adventures they had were no less exciting. Let’s take a closer look at the delightful escapades of Ree Drummond, her husband Ladd, daughter Paige, and nephew Stuart in scenic Vail.
Whiskey Adventures in Vail:
During their stay in Vail, Ree couldn’t help but share some lighthearted moments involving the family’s love for whiskey. In a hilarious Instagram post, she shared a collection of images featuring herself, Ladd, and a few empty glasses. Ree humorously captioned the post, “Note how Ladd’s expression never changes. This is what happens when I’m taken to a whiskey bar on vacation.” Paige, joining in on the fun, commented, “Y’all are cut off.” Bryce, Ree’s son, also chimed in with a simple fire emoji, depicting their shared enjoyment.
Twinning Fun with Nephew Stuart:
Ree shared another delightful photo from their trip, this time featuring her and nephew Stuart twinning. The picture captured them both holding cups of coffee, with Ree donning a Steve Miller Band sweatshirt and Stuart wearing a crewneck sweatshirt. In the caption, Ree playfully referred to herself as a cool aunt, putting a spin on a popular quote from Mean Girls. The bond between Ree and Stuart goes beyond family ties, as Stuart had previously worked with Ree and her family during the pandemic. They filmed episodes of her cooking show together, showcasing their ability to adapt and collaborate.
Vail, a Familiar Retreat:
Vail holds a special place in the Drummond family’s hearts. They have frequented this charming ski town on various occasions, including last Christmas when they spent quality time together. The beauty of Vail extends beyond its picturesque landscapes; it also houses one of Ree’s favorite chapels, as mentioned in her blog. This familiarity makes each visit a cherished tradition for the Drummond family, creating a sense of belonging and adventure.
Ree Drummond, along with her husband Ladd, daughter Paige, and nephew Stuart, embarked on an exciting family trip to Vail, Colorado. Despite having a smaller group this time, their vacation was filled with laughter, whiskey-fueled jokes, and twinning adventures. Vail holds a special place in their hearts, serving as an idyllic retreat where cherished memories are made. The Drummond family knows how to embrace the joy of togetherness and turn even the simplest moments into lifelong memories.
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