January 2012 2
How to pick up a woman at a bar
How to pick up a woman at a bar.
Contributed by Sarah Lately
We’ve all heard that the bar is no place to find someone. It all depends on what you’re looking for of course. But whether you’re looking for someone for tonight, or someone for a date a couple nights from now, it is very possible to find a legit woman at a bar. Everyone has to have fun once in a while, so maybe you’ll snag someone great on her night out, just be sure to go about it the right way.
Is the first thing a woman sees. Even if it is crowded, even if it is dark, she’ll pay attention to your shoes, where your pants hit (sagging too low or pulled up too high) and she’ll notice the shirt. If you’re shirt is half tucked in, it looks sloppy and she’ll immediately think the same of you. You could be the greatest guy out there that night, but if she can’t get past whether you’re groomed or not, your charming personality will have to work overtime. You don’t need the best or most expensive clothes, you just need to make what you have work for you. Go with a pair of dark wash jeans because they always look better. If you’re in a place where you can pull off a tee, don’t. It is always better to look a cut above the rest and look complete with a button down. If it doesn’t fit, it will be noticeable, so make sure you buy the right size (shoulder seams hit on the top of the shoulder, not against the top of the arm). Do not wear tennis shoes, but a great pair of black leather shoes. This goes for everyday life, but always ensure your arsenal has a few key staples that can be mixed and matched to make and complete any look.
Is sexy. You know it and so does she. Its why bad boys always get girls, because they have enough confidence to fill a room. The way you look at her, the way you approach her…be confident and direct and she’ll have to take notice. She’ll also feel picked out of the crowd if you’re moving across the room just to speak to her. Confidence is the difference between telling a woman you’re going to buy her a drink and asking. By not even giving her the chance to shoot you down, she’ll follow and more than likely feel a bit more intrigued.
One thing most women will agree on is that if a man has a great smile, it can be the sexiest thing about him. A real smile, after hearing something that genuinely makes you smile, can make women feel more comfortable and makes you seem much more capable of having a conversation. In a bar it is loud, pushy and there are drunk people all over the place. Even if you’ve had a few, if you take the time to speak clearly, look her in the eye and smile when she speaks and throughout your own sentences, it becomes much more personable and her guard will drop.
Keep Her One-on-One.
Have you ever seen the girl who is flirting, but her friend keeps reminding her that the group is sitting across the bar or the group is trying to leave? No one wins there. So if possible, try to keep the conversation between the two of you, even if it means sitting with her friends, but pulling her and your chair off to the side a little so she gets involved in the A and B conversation. By inviting her friends in, you allow for blocks and the possibility that your attention falls elsewhere. Even if it is just a moment, the seed of doubt from you or a friend can grow like a huge cockblocking weed. Terminix that before it starts and have an interesting enough conversation to the point where she doesn’t realize she hasn’t spoken to her girls for a while.
Be Assertive.
Not Pushy and Not Desperate.If you ask for her number or if she wants to leave and she hesitates, she is trying to think of a polite way out. By this point,she has heard enough and seen enough that she knows what she wants. If she spent the entire night talking you up but won’t give or take your number, then sorry, but she’s just a prick. If her eyes and body language say she is into it, then we go back to the confidence thing. If you want to see her on a real date, set it up before she leaves, exchange numbers (if only one person has digits, it makes it more okay to slip out of it) and tell her that you’re going to call and do it. If you want her for that night, then confidently say that you want her to come home with you since the conversation made the evening fly by. Remember, if you keep at her, she’ll be creeped out, but if you ask…she has to decide between yes and no and sometimes just hearing the word no when thinking about going home with a strange man is enough to remind her of her morals. There is nothing wrong with a simple, “so we’re going to go back to my place and keep talking. You like Jumbo Slice? We’re going to grab some for the cab!” And please, for the love of God, smile. Smiling men are lovers. Non-smiling men are rapists. Don’t be a rapist
Discuss! #pickupartist
How to open a bar
How to start a bar
We’re going to list out everything you need to know to start your own bar business and all the possible little things you need to know before diving in head first!
Bar opening costs and financing
The most important question in any business.. How are you going to pay for this business? A lot of thought will have to go into how you’re going to raise enough capital to get your bar/club business off the
ground. You can go the traditonal route, but it makes the most sense to take whatever route that minimizes the amount of risk you have to take on.
Examples of financing:
Chances are you’re going to need a very solid business plan to secure any kind of traditonal funding.
A simple overview for a Bar Business Plan:
Do the research on your local area and figure out the best location for your business with solid parking, etc. Location, location, location.
In a perfect world you would own the building and land your business in located on, but in the real world you’ll most likely have to pay rent on a lease. You want a high traffic area that isn’t a hassle for customers to find or navigate to. Parking is a really big deal and one of your priorities should be to ensure that you have enough of it for your customers. You can also invest in an upcoming area and ride the wave of success that can come with a city investing in certain areas for rennovation. You might be able to secure cheap real estate in a dicey area that you know is planned for city rennovation.
Beer & Liquor Permits
This is the most vital attribute to every bar business. Every state and city has different liquor laws and are usually heavily enforced. You will want to do extensive research on your local guidelines and laws before you even think about opening your doors. Liquor permits can also be very expensive in some area so budget accordingly. There is nothing more useless in life than a bar that can serve alcohol to it’s customers.
Bar Employees & Security
Every member of the business should know how to operate the bar inside and out. It would be a good idea that every operating executive know to how bartend and cook/serve the food. You will want to take a crashcourse in bartending and hire capable bartenders and freindly people. The majority of bar-goers decide where to go based on their experiences with the bartenders and how they are treated by them. Hiring an excellent staff of bartenders can take your bar a very long way.
Another very important attribute is a security staff. No one wants to go to a bar where they don’t feel safe. The majority of people want to have a good time and feel safe. Hiring a solid security staff can also take you a long way in maintaining a quality bar business.
Bar/Club Entertainment & marketing tips
Your bar should Offer creative drink& food promos for various sporting events(boxing, football, mma, etc.)
Play good music. No one wants to rock out to heavy metal unless you’re operating a biker bar. Your music selection should target your customer base. Hire a great DJ and also make sure he takes requests.
Speaking of music..Purchase a solid sound system.
Dance floor
The dance floor can really make your bar stand out and create another atmosphere once the late night comes. Your sports bar can turn into a great club. A dance floor brings women to the bar/club and women in turn bring men.
Most women won’t want to stand and drink beers all night, they’re looking to have a good time and let loose. Your bar having a dance floor let’s them do this.
Live Bands
Every local band has a local following of some sort. These followers are friends and fans. Those friends and fans also have friends. This brings more people with money in their pocket into your bar and also spices the bar up with different entertainment. The obvious downside to a band is you will have to pay them, so only book worth while bands.
Some things will always sell
swimsuit competitions
Mud wreslting
Model competition for each holiday
once again.. women = men = money
It’s not a secret that our men & women of the military love to drink and hit the bar/clubs. The majority of military personnel are paid well and go out in large groups. These groups are known to spend a lot of money!
You will want to do what you can to draw these people to your business with various military specials and deals. We have seen buddies of ours who were in the military spend hundreds nightly in the bars.
Soft opening
Bar Essentials
Departing tip
The greatest attribute to your possible bar business success is not if you know how to operate a bar or not(hire a consultant), but your overall knowledge of the local area your bar is located in. research your local area heavily and open a bar that you know will work for the local population. Know the people how will be frequenting your business and make sure you’re offering them what they want!