May 2011 6
How to make beer at home
How to brew beer at home
Ever wanted to be your own beer brewmaster? Well you’re in luck! This article lists out the step by step to brewing your own batch of beer at home. Imagine women will love your batch and men will idolize your awesome boozology.
Equipment needed
You can walk to the nearest store and pick up a beer kit, but these are the basics:
- Large canning pot to boil in
- Beer Bottling equipment (caps and a bottler)
- A bucket with a lid
- An airlock to attach to the your bucket (Available @ Amazon
- Hops
- Malted barley or extract
- Yeast
- Thermometer
- Measuring cup
- 1. Sanitize Everything: You don’t want your beer brew to have any chance of being spoiled or contaminated. Be sure to wash and sanitize everything. To make sure you kill all germs you can always boil everything in addition to boiling.
- 2. Create the Wort: Wort serves as the base of your beer brew and is basically the mixture of barley and hops. This beer base of barley and hops will be fermented later by adding in the yeast. You’ll want to start by boiling a measure amount of water in your large pot. When the water reaches the boiling point, dump it into a large bucket to start the cooling process. Now you will add the Malted Barley and the base hops. Once you have maked sure that everything has been completely mixed throughout you will then continue to boil the beer base for about an hour. You will need to stir frequently, so be sure you keep an eye on the batch throughout the process. Don’t forget to add in finishing hops to the boil. You will also need to begin boiling another pot of water that we will use later!
- 3. Cool down the Wort: You will need to cool down the wort ASAP after it’s done boiling.The best way might be to place your pot into a tub or sink filled with cold water/ice water. The point is to bring down the temperature down as fast a possible to allow the yeast to begin it’s fermentation magic. You will want to shoot for cooling the wort down to the 70 degree range.
- 4. Fermentation: No the time comes for the extra pot we set aside boiling earlier. You will now add the yeast packets to that pot. Take out the beer base wort mixture that has been cooled off and add it to the new water & yeast combo a large bucket. Once everything has been mixed, cover it with an airlock, then place the beer batch in a cool, dark room. Leave the beer batch to ferment for 10-15 days. Remember to never touch the airlock during the process, unless you like crap beer.
- 5. Bottling: Be sure to sanitize all bottles and caps before the beer bottling process. You can boil pretty much all equipment involved to be sure it’s sanitized. Boil a measured amount of raw cane sugar in a measured amount of water and allow it to cool. Once this has cooled, combine the mixture into the beer batch fermentation bucket. Allow the mixture to sit for around 15-25 minutes.This process is actually what gives the beer its carbonation. Once the next mixture has settled, you can begin bottling the batch.You will need to siphon the beer batch into the bottles (Remember to maintain sanitation!). You will cap each bottle as you fill it. You can automate this process by purchasing a capping machine. You will then let the bottled beers to sit at room temperature, in the dark for 7-14 days. This will allow the carbonation to build up in the beer bottles.
- 6. Sit down, Pour beer, Drink, Be Happy, Profit
Beer Brewing at home process Overview
1. Sanitize everything
2. Boil the Barley add add in the hops
3. Cool after mixing and boiling
4. Ferment
5. Bottle the beer
6. Drink your beer
How to make beer step-by-step
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What is Alcohol
What is alcohol?
Depending on your location in the world, your view on alcohol could be very contrasting. Alcohol is banned in certain parts of the world, and glorified in others. Alcohol has a long and storied history of consumption, taboo, crazy stories, regret, and even death. This article will attempt to list out exactly what alcohol is, it’s causes, side effects, and stages of intoxication. When alcohol is referred to consumption for recreation this alcohol is officially known as Ethanol.
Alcohol (Ethanol) Definition: A depressant liquid that is known to cause intoxication and go by many names including Grain Alcohol, Pure Alcohol, Ethyl Alcohol, and drinking Alcohol. Alcohol is known to be very flammable and a mostly colorless liquid. It’s thought to be of the oldest used psychoactive drugs in the world. Alcohol is known to be used in recreational and social drinking. Alcohol is also known to be used as a solvent or even fuel for various machines.
How is Alcohol made?
The Three major ways to make alcohol:
1. Fermentation: A process that usually involves a grain or fruit mixture settling and fermenting over time with yeast. After fermentation a distillation process if follow for spirits and liquors. This fermentation process is the process that’s used in ethanol (drinking alcohol).
2. Chemical modification of fossil fuels: Modifications of oil, natural gas, coal. The process that’s used for Industrial alcohol.
3. Chemical combination of hydrogen and carbon monoxide: This combination is used to create wood or methanol alcohol.
Alcohol Facts
Alcohol Fun Facts
The Culture of Alcohol
Like stated earlier alcohol is glorified in many parts of the world, as well as banned in many parts of the world as well. Alcohol has a very distinct and storied place in many world cultures. The inclusion of alcohol in cultures includes drinking alcohol in several different forms from beer, wine, spirits, and many more. Imagine what the Irish culture would be without alcohol? How would various middle eastern cultures be without the ban of alcohol? These are curious questions that can spark interesting thought.
Side effects of Alcohol
Alcohol Intoxication (Drunk): Alcohol after extended consumption will cause the consumer to become intoxicated – drunk. The more alcohol that is consumed the more intoxicated the consumer will become. Alcohol Consumer body weight, sex, and several other factors are integral to the level of intoxication to consumption ratio.
The higher the concentration of alcohol in a drink, the faster the consumer will become intoxicated. This is known as absorption.
Carbonated beverages are known to speed up the process of alcohol absorption which leads to faster intoxication.
Consuming Food is known to slow down the absorption of alcohol.
Once absorption occurs, alcohol enters the consumer’s blood stream and will start to the effects of alcohol on the body. The level of alcohol in the consumer’s blood stream can be measure by their blood alcohol concentration (BAC Level). There are various tools used to measure BAC level, including blood test and breathalyzers.
Alcohol angover and alcohol detoxification:
Alcohol hangovers will cause headaches, upset stomachs and overall not feeling well. Hangovers are caused by the consumer’s body trying to detoxify itself of the alcohol in the body.
After alcohol is absorbed by the bloodstream in can leave the body in three different ways:
A normal human body can detoxify a avg of .5 oz (15 ml) of alcohol in one hour. It would take an average person one hour to get rid of all alcohol in their system from a an average can of beer.
The stages of intoxication (being drunk)
1. Alcohol Euphoria
(BAC = 0.03 to 0.12 percent)
2. Alcohol Excitement
(BAC = 0.09 to 0.25 percent)
3. Alcohol Confusion
(BAC = 0.18 to 0.30 percent)
4. Alcohol Stupor
(BAC = 0.25 to 0.4 percent)
5. Alcohol Coma
(BAC = 0.35 to 0.50 percent)
6. Death
(BAC more than 0.50 percent)
Long term alcohol side effects
Alcohol parting shots
Alcohol can lead to great times and can lead to terrible times. Alcohol is a centric part of many social cultures and is involved in many people’s everyday life. If you choose to consume alcohol for recreational use then do so responsibly and in mediation.
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Types of Alcohol
Types of Alcohol and liquor
Alcohol comes in many forms and variations all around the world. This article will list those types out and list the popular brands for each alcohol type.
Beer or Ale

Alcohol Details: Beer is produced from malted grains or grains that have been sprouted and heated. Brewing beer involves converting the grain to sugar. Once this conversion has been done the sugar is then fermented with various forms of yeast and flavorings for the beer. Beer is then preserved with hops. Hops are a flower that is known to have a bitter taste and is used to balance the sweetnees of malt.
Variations of name (ingredients vary): Lager, Stout, Ale, Cider, Beer, Porter, Cooler
Pilsner, Breezer
Alcohol percentage: 2.0% to 16%
Ingredient variations:
- Rye: Rye Beer
- Wheat: Wheat Beer
- Barley: Beer, Ale
- Corn: Corn Beer
- Rice: Rice Beer
- Millet: Millet Beer
- Apples: Cider
- Malt and fuit: Fruit malt beverages
- Ginger and raisins: Ginger Beer
- Pears: Pear Cider
- Ginger: Ginger Beer
- Potatoes: Potato Beer
Popular beer brands:
Wines and Champagne

Alcohol Details: Wine is produced the process of taking fruits such as grapes and placing them into a large vat to be crushed. Yeast is then added to begin the fermentation process of wine. The added yeast interacts with sugar from the fruit that was crushed in the vat. The yeast fermentation process creates the alcohol. After the fermentation process, the solid pieces left over are removed and the remaining fermented batch is aged in wooden casks.
Name Variations (ingredients vary): White wine(riesling, gewurztraminer,chardonnay,sauvignon blanc), Red wine(zifandel, syrah, merlot, cabernet sauvignon, pinot noir), Rose Wine, Champagne, Sparkling Wine, Vermouth, Port Wine, Fortified Wine
Alcohol percentage: 7% to 24%
Ingredient variations:
- Grapes: Red Wine, White Wine, Champagne
- Ginger and raisins: Ginger Wine
- Plum: Plum Wine
- Pomace: pomace Wine
- Sake
Popular Wine Brands:
Distilled Spirits

Alcohol Details: Alcoholic spirits are put through a distillation process that involves the spirit being distilled from fermented grains, fruits, or Vegtables. Sometimes alcohol spirits are malted, distilled, aged or distilled, filtered and aged. Aging is not done everytime on every alcoholic spirit
Alcohol percentage: 25% to 85%
Alcohol: Clear in form, distilled to be fresh and clean tasting and clear looking. Vodka can also contain added flavors. Major consumers of vodka are in the Russian area of Euro-Asia.
Types of vodka:
Ingredient Variations:
Popular Vodka Brands:
Top 10 Vodka List
Alcohol: Brown (Gold) or clear (silver, white, Blanco) in color. Distilled from fermented juice from the agave plant. Tequila originates from one specific location in Mexico.
Types of Tequila:
Ingredient Variations:
Popular Tequila Brands:
Top 10 Tequila List
Alcohol: Clear or dark in form, distilled from molassesor sugar cane. Rum can also contain added flavors. Major rum distillers are located mostly in the Caribbean.
Types of Rum:
Ingredient Variations:
Popular Rum Brands:
Top 10 Rum List
Alcohol: Brown or dark in color and distilled from mash, corn, or potatoes. Whiskey is primarily Distilled in the USA, and Scotland. Other countries like Japan and Australia are known to produce whiskey too.
Types of Whiskey:
Ingredient Variations:
Popular Whiskey Brands:
Top 10 Whiskey List
Alcohol: Colorless in nature. Gin is created from already distilled alcohol and then flavored with Juniper berries and other various herbs
Types of Gin:
Popular Gin Brands:
Alcohol: Distilled from the wine of fermented juice (Yeast added in). Brandy is very Prominent in France
Types of Brandy:
Popular Brandy Brands:
Alcohol: Green in nature and very strong in alcohol percent, and flavored from anise and wormwood. Absinthe is also known by the knickname the green fairy. Absinthe is distilled from wormwood and various herbs. It sometimes contains Thujone which is falsely reported to be a hallucinogenic. Absinthe has a reputation to be taboo and also known for being a mysterious drink. Absinthe is usually consumed mixed with three to five parts water mixed.
Types of Absinthe:
Popular Absinthe Brands:
Top 10 Absinthe list
Alcohol: Ouzo is distilled from Pomace. Ouzo is known to be very prominent in Greece, Italy, Turkey, and France. Ouzo is also known to Sometimes contain opium.
Popular Brands:
Other types of Distilled Alcohol
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Liqueurs or Cordials
Alcohol Details: Liqueurs and Cordials are flavored alcohol that have aquired this flavor from being infused with flavors from various fruits, flowers, herbs, woods, chocolates, etc. After the liqueur flavoring process sugar is then added to the liqueur. Cream is also known to be added to alcohol liqueurs too..
Alcohol percentage: 13% to 55%
Ingredient variations:
Popular Brands:
Discuss! #alcohol
Top 10 Whiskey Brands
Top 10 Whiskey Brands and Best Whiskey
Whiskey is known to be a spirit of many different reputations. Whiskey has been known to be embraced by the upper class drinkers as a spirit that defines elegance and class. Whiskey has also been known to be categorized as a backwoods country folk kind of liquor. We like to think of whiskey being somewhere right in the middle of both. Either way you look at it, whiskey is in large viewied as a man’s man kind of liquor brand. Whiskey is best known to hail from America (Tennessee/Kentucky) and Scotland, but in reality whiskey is actually produced in several other places in the world as well. Whiskey is produced in different forms, flavorings the world over.
Whiskey is unique in that each whiskey brand tends to carry it’s own reputation instead of whiskey as a whole having one reputation. For example: Jim Bean whiskey clearly doesn’t have the same reputation as Jameson whiskey (they’re also different types of whiskey). Throughout all the different variations, one constant holds true for all whiskey brands. Whiskey goes through a strict aging process and carries a very distinct flavor.
This articke will list out and explain the different whiskey types and the top 10 whiskey brands for each type.
These Whiskey types include:
Whiskey overview
The process of making whiskey involves whiskey being distilled from a fermented grain mash. Different distillers use different types of grains to create the different types of whiskey. These different types of grains used in whiskey can include wheat, rye, barley, corn, maize, malted barley, and malted rye. After whiskey has been distilled, it goes through an aging process. The whiskey aging process involves the whiskey aging in barrels and casks that are made of trade secret oak and wood. It can be argued that the whiskey aging process is the most important when it comes to quality of whiskey taste and texture.
The process of distilling and again whiskey is strictly regulated, and each form of whiskey falls under a different aging process. These regulations and processes are upheld all around the world. The are several different ways to consume whiskey. The type of whiskey to be consumed will usually dictate how the whiskey is suppoed to be drank. Whiskey has been known to be drank straight, on ice, and also mixed with cola. It’s completely up to the consumer and his/her personal preference.
Types of Whiskey:
What makes American(bourbon) whiskey different from Scotch whiskey?
American Whiskey
American whiskey is known to use several different grains such as corn, rye, maize during the fermenting process. American whiskey is also held to a different standard when it comes to aging and cask type (barrel). American whiskey has a reputation of being country and backwoods, and a burley man’s drink.
Scotch whisky
Scoth whiskey is held to strict standards and is barley based and is only distilled in the country of Scotland. Scotch whiskey also only uses a special kind of cask for aging. Scotch whiskey has the reputation of elegance and class.
We prefer both.
Best whiskey list explained
The list of best whiskies below was made to highlight whiskey brands that wouldn’t be too hard for the average person to find at their local liquor store. We thought it would be pointless to add in rare, and hard to find whiskey brands. The odds are if you’re that much of a whiskey connoisseur then you most likely are a member of some elite whiskey forum, etc. We hope you enjoy these whiskey brands, because we sure do!
Top 10 American Whiskey brands
(Bourbon, Tennesse, etc.)
1. Maker’s Mark Whiskey
Our favorite American Bourbon Whiskey. We feel Maker’s Mark whiskey doesn’t really get the credit it deserves among the main stream public, and might be a bit underrated in regards to bourbon. They also take care of their customers. They are always sending out free stuff for their loyal customer base. If you like the taste of whiskey and for some reason haven’t had the pleasure of trying Marker’s mark, do yourself a favor and purchase a bottle.
2. Four Roses Whiskey
A whiskey that for a long period of time was hard to find in major stores. This might be the most underrated liquor, let alone whiskey in America. Four Roses Whiskey is top quality whiskey, that you might have to do a little searching for. Four Roses has been known to be a Whiskey Drinker’s whiskey.
3. Knob Creek Whiskey
When we feel like benig rough around the edges men, we reach for a bottle of Knob creek whiskey. Knob creek whiskey is known to feature a rich, strong taste, that’s dark in color. The price point is a little higher for Knob creek, but well worth it in the end. Knob creek whiskey is also known to have a very loyal customer base. It could be argued that any of the first three whiskey brands on this list deserve the number 1 spot.
4. Blanton’s Whiskey
We would have rated this whiskey a little higher, but it seems to have strong feelings either for it or against it. We happen to love this whiskey, but the price sparks anger with some. Blanton whiskey is known to have a rich flavor with subtle hints of caramel and vanilla.
5. Woodford Reserve Whiskey
Woodford Reserve Whiskey might be the best whiskey available for the price. This whiskey is quality in taste, and a favorite of thousands of whiskey lovers. Another whiskey with a very loyal customer base. We also love the name.
6. Jack Daniel’s Whiskey
The most popular whiskey in the world? Jack Daniel’s popularity is for great reason. This whiskey is rich in tradition and history. You can find bottles of Jack Daniel’s all over the world. When in doubt with your whiskey selection go with Jack Daniel’s.
7. Wild Turkey Whiskey
This whiskey is another very, very popular American whiskey. Wild Turkey is also great quality and just because a brand is super popular, it doesn’t mean that it’s not quality.
8. Old Rip Van Winkle Whiskey
This whiskey is strong. Old Rip packs a punch with a proof at 107. With a proof that high, one would assume that this whiskey would be lacking in taste. That’s not the case with Old Rip. We imagine we’ll be sipping this whiskey when we become wise old men, and telling stories to our grandchildren.
9. Elijah Craig Whiskey
This whiskey is excellent quality for the price you have to pay. For the ratio of quality to price this whiskey can’t be ignored on this best whiskey list. If you’re running low on funds, grab a bottle of Elijah and still enjoy great whiskey.
10. Rebel Yell Whiskey
Great whiskey as not as well known as maybe it should be. We love Rebel yell whiskey.
Honorable Mentions:
Fighting Cock Whiskey, Evan Williams Whiskey, Jim Beam, Eagle Rare Whiskey, Bulleit Whiskey
Harder to find – but voted the best whiskey by whiskey Lovers
Parker’s Heritage Collection 10 years old
Top 10 Scotch whisky brands
1. Glenlivet Scotch Whisky
We wanted to be different and edgy, and not make Glenlivet our number 1 on this best scotch list; but we would be lying to ourseleves and everyone else. This is the best known “best Scotch whiskey” and has been around since the early 1800’s. This Scotch has won all of it’s awards on age. Glenlivet is Excellent Scotch whiskey and deserves our number 1 spot.
2. Highland Park Scotch whisky
Highland park has won tons of whiskey awards as well. This scotch has an excellent taste and texture. A strong claim could be made that this deserves the top spot on this scotch whiskey list.
3. Bowmore Scotch Whisky
We just love this whiskey, and maybe a little more than some other Scotch drinkers. It may be a personal preference but we love the taste of this whiskey and how it tastes straight. This Scotch is also great on our wallets.
4. Johnnie Walker Scotch Whisky
The most popular scotch whiskey in the world? Depending on the color label, you could argue that Johnnie walker deserves a mention in the top 3 of this list. We took all the color labels into account decided it would be fair to land ol’ Johnnie at number 4.
5. Old Pulteney Scotch Whisky
A thicker scotch that in it’s own right has also won a load of awards based on it’s quality and brand.
6. Black Bull Scotch whisky
A full body Scotch that features a rich flavor. This scotch also features a great name that seems to fit it’s brand of scotch perfectly.
7. Springbank Scotch Whisky
This Scotch whiskey is known to be processed through a unique distillation process that involves brand secrets. This scotch whiskey is dark in color and great on the lips.
8. Talisker Scotch Whisky
A scotch whiskey that seems to be catching on around the world like wildfire. This scotch seems to capture the scottish spirit well with it bold taste and brand attitude.
9. Macallan Scotch Whisky
An excellent scotch that banks on sherry. This scotch has a very loyal customer base and for great reason. We love this Scotch as well.
10. Dalmore Scotch Whisky
Rounding out the best scotch whiskey list with this great scotch whiskey brand. This scotch features a robust texture and flavor.
Best Whiskey brands in the world
There is life for whiskey outside of the USA and Scotland. These are the best brands of whiskey that are made outside of the borders of those two great whiskey making nations.
- Jameson Irish Whiskey – Ireland
- Canadian Club Sherry Cask Whiskey – Canada
- Hibiki 21 years old – Japan
- Michael Collins Single Malt Whiskey – Ireland
- Yamazaki 1984
- Suntory Yamazaki 18 Whiskey – Japan
- Lark Whisky – Australian
- Mackmyra Swedish Single Malt Whisky – Sweden
Discuss! #whiskey
Top 10 Tequila Brands
Top 10 Tequila Brands and Best Tequila
You could find shots of tequila being ordered at almost any bar or club on a weekend night. Tequila shots are common place at almost any nightlife spot, because of how fun it can be to shoot tequila Almost any tequila shot ordered involves limes, salt, and group shots. It’s always priceless to see your buddy’s cringe face. who any other time would be acting like a hard ass. Having the knowledge to order tequila is easy enough, the hard part is knowing what tequila brands are the best to go drink.
These tequila brands below offer a great start next time you’re at the bar and decide you want to roll the dice with tequila.
Tequila Overview
How to take a tequila shot?
Generally, when tequila is ordered, the bartender will serve the tequila shot with a cut lime slice and salt. The lime and salt is to be used when taking the shot.
- Lick your hand(or body part) and pour salt on it / Shot glass might already have salt on it>
- Take the lime in one hand
- Lick the salt from it’s location
- Shoot the tequila shot
- Bite down and suck on the lime slice.
Eat the worm?
It’s a pretty longstanding myth that tequila contains a worm in the bottle. This is actually false and Mezcal is known to contain the worm and other critters such as scorpions, etc. The reason the worm is added to mezcal is to show that the worm is being preserved by the bottle’s alcohol contents. There are various side myths believe that the worm gives strength to whomever eats it. We have no idea if this is true lol.
Types of tequila brands
- Tequila Blanco – white – silver – The tequila is clear and unaged. Tequila is bottled after the tequila has been distilled.
- Tequila Joven – gold – Similar to the tequila blanco process but various colorings and flavorings are added before the tequila is bottled.This tequila type is also known to include the mixture of blanco tequila with aged tequila.
- Tequila Anejo – Anejo is the next level of tequila aging. Anejo is aged for at least one year, and is usually aged from one to three years.
- Tequila Reposado – Wood aged tequila that has been aged in the wood for over 2 months and aged in the wood no longer than 12 months. The wood used for this aging process is known to differ between various tequila producing companies.
- Tequila extra anejo – This type of tequila was defined in 2005 and requires that the tequila has been aged for at least three years.
- Tequila liqueurs & cream – Tequila that is mixed with various flavorings or various creams.
Top 10 Tequila Brands
1. Casa Noble tequila crystal
Any best tequila brand list must include this amazing tequila brand. This tequila has a reputation for being hard to find, but this is the internet age. Anything can be found and purchased. This tequila is worth the search and our favorite tequila brand.
2. Don Eduardo Anejo or blanco Tequila
This is excellent tequila. This tequila is produced and distilled in Tequila, Mexico and is a tequila brand known for quality. This tequila brand is known for it’s dedication to perfection and having no detecable impurities.
3. Voodo tiki platinum Tequila
We feel this tequila is very underrated and even mentioned it on our most underrated liquors list. This tequila is known for holding true to the classic tequila process and taste. The producers of this tequila believe in not fiddling or messing with the tequila and keeping the process and untouched as possible, we respect that.
4. Hornitos Tequila
This tequila is great for shooting with friends and brings back tons of memories for us. Hornitos is smooth, strong, and tastes great.
5. Cabo Wabo Tequila
A tequila that was originally created and owned by former Van Halen frontman (post David-lee Roth) Sammy Hagar. Sammy sold a lrage stake in the company in 2007 for loads of cash (80 million?). Cabo Wabo is a great quality tequila and has proven it by winning multiple spirit tasting awards. We prefer this tequila to the much more popular Patron Tequila.
6. Patron silver Tequila
The most popular tequila on the planet right now? Patron sure is giving Jose Cuervo a run for its money in the popularity department. What isn’t lost though is that Patron is a quality tequila and very smooth. We would steer clear of this tequila in the nightlife scence, since various establishments are marking up the price on every Patron shot ordered because of the name.
7. Jose Cuervo Black Medallion Tequila
This is the anejo brand of Jose Cuervo, and is a great tequila. Jose might be a little too mainstream for some readers of this list, but this anejo offering is a great deal for the money.
8. 1800 silver Tequila
Anothe quality tequila that has gotten lost in the tequila marketing tactics of late.
9. Don Julio Tequila
This tequila seems to be a little more of an aquired taste and we love it.
10. Herradura Tequila
Not an overly popular tequila, but worth a try. We could see this tequila becoming more popular over time with more people discovering it.
Honorable Mentions: Sauza Gold tequila, 30-30 tequila, 1921 Tequila, Corzo silver Tequila
Best Flavored Tequila brands & Tequila liqueurs
- Mar Azul Banana Tequila
- Patron XO
- Mar Azul Almond Tequila
- 1921 Tequila cream
- Agave Loco Pepper Cured Tequila
- 267 Tequila infusion orange
Discuss! #tequila
Best ways to cure a hangover
How to cure a hangover and best hangover cure
Had a little too much fun last night? Does that entire town know you had a good time last night? Odds are you’re feeling it today with a vicious hangover. Hangovers come in many different shapes and forms, but they all suck. The trendy popular thing to do is just drink a beer in the morning. This works wonders sometimes, but if you really raged last night then odds are you won’t be able to stomach even the thought of mre alcohol going down your throat.
We’ll spare you the details and get right to the list of the best hangover cures.
Drink water, then drink some more water.
It’s a well known fact that alcohol dehydrates your body. The key to really curing a hangover is never letting it happen in the first place. A great defense is offense! Right before going out to drink, drink as much water as you can. This will work wonders for your body the next day, but let’s get real. You wouldn’t be reading this article if you had thought of that last night. So you can still make up for lost time today and drink as much water as you can get your hands on.
Greasy food and Eggs
The grease fro greasy food coats your stomach and helps sooth the pain you might might feeling. A little known fact is that eggs contain a chemical called Cysteine. This chemical will actually break down acetaldehyde toxins in your body from alcohol.
Toast with honey
This is an old home remedy for hangovers. My grandma swears by it.
Cold & hot showers
When taking your daily shower be sure to change the water temp from cold to hot, etc. This is a little trick we learned to shock your body into waking up fully.
Pepto-Bismol & pain relievers
When in doubt reach for the over the counter medicines at your local pharmacy. You will want to try and stay away from medicine containing acetaphetamine, since it’s known to cause a strain on your liver when combined with alcohol.
Drink Real Fruit Juice
Real fruit jucies like all natural orange juice, apple juice, etc. will replenish your body with vitamins that was washed out by the alcohol. This doesn’t always work though, since the acid in some fruit juices can cause an upset stomach to be extra pissed.
Bananas contain potassium which is depleted by alcohol. Eating bananas works wonders for our hangovers!
Sleeping works wonders and is the great healer of the body. If you can try and sleep off you hangover.
Drink Pickle juice
People of Poland drink pickle juice to balance out their acidity levels after a hard night of boozing.
if worse comes to worse just go with the age old cure…
Hair of the dog
Chug a beer, feel better. The only hard part is trying to stomach the beer if you drank way too much the night before. Bloody marys seem to cure our hangovers much better than beer.